Thursday, February 22, 2018

Sigh of Relief

This week things started coming together, except for me keeping up with work that is.  Work will come together soon. I couldn't ask for a better team of co-workers with regards to work or emotional support.  I recently joined the Foundation team full time, but have been with them part time and temp for a few years, and the Zoo team has been phenomenal too.

We've had meetings with two contractors and were blown away, positively, by one.  Both are recommended, preferred contractors with our insurance company, USAA.  We'll follow up with USAA and set up conversations with a few families that have been through this to make sure our heads are in the right place before we commit to one of the restoration contractor companies.

Tonight is our last night with our host  family, who have graciously enveloped us into their lives.  I will miss having the support system right there, but am acutely aware that the bonds we've strengthened are only a phone call away.

Today was a landmark day.  Furniture was delivered to our rental townhouse.  The two guys that brought the furniture were so very nice and polite.  The company is used by the placement company, who is contracted by USAA.  I learned that they frequently are furnishing homes for families that are displaced and I could tell that they probably had been trained on some sensitivity.  Not that I was emotional, you know me, but they just were so kind asking about furniture placement and such.

We aren't staying in the townhouse tonight because we have no food... not even food that goes on food (inside joke) and we have no Wifi!  I know it's a bit ridiculously privileged, but there is a ton of emails and stuff we are doing on our phones hourly that I really don't want to eat into our data, not to mention blogging, Netflix and facebook Oh! My!

A full day of work is on the schedule for tomorrow, spending the night at host family #2 because they've generously offered their empty house for the night.  Did I mention Wifi? Saturday we get to finish moving into the townhouse and grocery shop, so much grocery shopping, and hit the mattress fundraiser at the high school. The boys' high school is doing a fund raiser for nice quality mattresses. 

The mattresses we got from the rental company are nice, but why not replace our mattresses and help the school now rather than in 9 months.  We'll see if it is a wise decision now.  I am also reserving the right to not make this decision too because I realize large expensive commitments are not the wisest move at this point in our lives

I've also been in contact with our Schwan's frozen food delivery guy that we've know for probably close to12 years and he's making a delivery next week.  I don't even think our new address is in his route area, but he's amazing and will swing by.

Progress.  A big sigh of relief as we move to the next stage.  Next on the agenda is to dream about house design, layout and affordability.  When is the Parade of Homes?

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