Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Day 2 - Monday... The Lost Day

I started this blog late Wednesday night, Day 4.  So any day before that was me trying to remember and muddle through the emotions.

I'm not an emotional person, so the sobs are brief.  I'm a planner.  I get the checklist done.  You can't get shit done while you are sobbing on the floor in a corner.  Even when I get in those moments part of my head is yelling "knock it off... make a list... get things organized... get shit done"

Anyway, Monday is lost.  I have no memories of Monday.  According to my calendar I needed to drop off my Yukon for a previously scheduled appointment and I had a chiro appointment that I went to (these appointments were for the car accident in December).  After that other than looking for a cold, frightened cat in frigid temperatures I remember nothing of Monday.

Tom and Kyle also have no recollection of what we did that day.  We looked at texts, phone call history, fb messages.  Nothing.  Just a day to deal with it.


  1. Monday... after you dropped off the Yukon you came to my house and we had a cup of tea and sent you off with some things that you needed that day. Laundry baskets, jacket and boots for Tom, toothpaste, face cream, face wash and more!! From there you were headed to your chiropractor appointment and after that I am not sure. That should fill in a couple gaps! ;-)

    1. Fantastic, I forgot about stopping at your house Paula, thank you.
