Friday, February 9, 2018

Day 4 Thursday - Digging In

I got to go to work today for a few hours of normalcy. I also got to engage with some more amazing friends and coworkers. But first, let me just say how amazing it was to put on a put of jeans given to me and they fit!
It is crazy and hard to wrap our heads around the generosity that is coming our way. The loaning of tools, the gifting of a coffee pot, bean grinder, mugs and coffee and then there was the bag of items from a fellow staff member that experienced a flood recently. A file folder for receipts, pens, notepad and some kitchen stuff. We will put our lives together in spite of the fire with the support of all the people we know.
I got to lunch with my fellow Thursday volunteers and that was so refreshing and comforting. They had a potluck, so that was comforting too. Can you beat homemade corn chowder!?!
Tom spent the day at the house with his best friend. They dug through insulation debris to find jewelry, tools, personal treasures and found many of them. They also prepped spaces for a team of folks that showed up at 3 pm layered upwith, with flashlights on their heads, and arms at the ready to take anything out of the house they could. Not furniture, but all my storage bins in closets and pans and anything that wasn't too terribly smoke damaged or pourous. The pourous stuff absorbed the smoke smell... So much for all the Pampered Chef stones. They were pretty dingy anyway, right?
At least 15 people were there. Most were Tom's coworkers that came straight from work  and there were neighbors too. We never could have collected the stuff if it weren't for my online community of Farmington housewives that provided boxes, totes and newspapers to wrap things in and absorb the smell.
The neighborhood! Oh, my goodness! They collected goodies for a most amazing gift basket that will keep us in a glorious sugar high for quite some time. There was a lovely giant card signed by so many families made from poster board. I look so forward to getting back on our street to celebrate with all of them. I know this happened directly to us, but I see how so many people are taking this and it breaks my heart. I can't imagine watching the house burn as a neighbor, how helpless they must have felt. I can't even word this correctly.
The night wrapped up with a yummy meal and movie at the host house.

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